Unify Your Faith, Work and Life

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary

Answer the call. Bring change to the world through the power of the Gospel.

At Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS) we teach, 在以基督为中心的环境中,形成和培育女性和男性在公共事工中的领导地位, faithfully Lutheran and ecumenically committed.

Attend On-campus, Online or Hybrid

Professor talks with students around table in classroom

You choose the delivery method that works best for you. However you choose to attend LTSS, 在全球网赌十大网站所做的一切的中心是全球网赌十大网站的承诺,建立社区和帮助你达到你的生活, spiritual and career goals.

  • On-campus in Columbia

    As a Columbia student you live on campus or drive to campus. 作为全球网赌十大网站美丽的社区的一部分,你将受益于学习和崇拜的特殊亲身体验, historic campus. 你还可以立即获得教师、同学和图书馆的资源. 

    LTSS offers quality, 为住宿学生和家庭提供经济实惠的公寓,为长途通勤者提供舒适的过夜住宿. For more information about residential housing, contact Kellie Medley, director of residential life, at kellie.medley@vf888888.com or 828.328.7249. 

  • Online or Hybrid

    在线或混合学习的学生通过在线直播上课或完成异步作业来参与在线学习. 您可以从在线学习的灵活性中受益,同时还可以快速访问教师, staff and certain library resources. All residential, 在线学生和混合学生必须在每学期开始时参加校园的第一周聚会, 和他们的同学一起参加课程和特殊的形成活动. 

    在线学习或混合学习的选择为学生提供了面对面学习无法解决的障碍. If you are following a call to professional ministry, 在承诺作为在线学生或混合学生参加之前,请务必咨询您所在教派的适当代表. 

LTSS Welcomes Diversity

Smiling students around table in seminary classroom

We are a Reconciling in Christ 一个公开承诺欢迎所有人的机构,并为所有进入全球网赌十大网站学术课程的人提供热情款待.

作为一所基督教神学院,全球网赌十大网站欢迎所有教派的学生. We believe our diversity enriches every student’s experience, 扩大你的视野,同时加强你的教派认同.

  • Lutherans

    LTSS是美国福音路德会(ELCA)七所神学院之一,也是美国东南部唯一的ELCA神学院. 神学院的大多数路德教职员提供世界一流的路德神学教学, history and polity. 路德教的学生和校友受益于神学院的地区, 在ELCA和路德世界联盟内建立全国和全球网络. 

    LTSS is proud to house the Region 9 archives他是ELCA的一个部门,致力于保存路德教会在东南部的历史. 

  • Methodists

    位于距离联合卫理公会教堂南卡罗来纳会议办公室仅一英里的地方, LTSS自豪地成为南卡罗莱纳唯一批准培训联合卫理公会神职人员的神学院. 

    全球网赌十大网站的卫理公会教师在卫理公会神学、历史和政治方面提供世界一流的指导. 全球网赌十大网站卫理公会的学生受益于一个支持性的同龄人社区和一个满足他们特殊要求的课程. 


  • Baptists

    LTSS拥有来自东南部的浸信会学生和校友. 全球网赌十大网站的许多浸信会学生已经成为专业的牧师, 而其他人刚刚开始跟随他们的呼召去事奉. 

    全球网赌十大网站的浸信会学生受益于世界一流的浸信会历史,神学和政治教学. 全球网赌十大网站与浸信会合作团契有特别的关系, which provides scholarship funding for qualified students. 

    全球网赌十大网站的学生和教师喜欢在哥伦比亚大学科诺尼亚志愿服务他们的时间和才能, 一个由浸信会赞助的非营利性事工,紧挨着神学院校园.   

Amanda Burke

哥伦比亚大学校园里的每个项目都有一个共同点,那就是为他人服务. 这些项目都是为了培养那些被召唤去服务他人的学生...

Amanda Burke, M.Div'21

Graduate Programs & Concentrations

Professor talks with student in office

全球网赌十大网站的学位课程旨在为您准备各种事工设置, such as church leadership, youth and family ministry, music ministry, faith formation, teaching ministry, 以信仰为基础的非营利性组织的牧师和主管.

Explore a Concentration
As an LTSS student, 你可以用九个小时的普通选修课来完成一个正式的集中或同源. 全球网赌十大网站提供圣经研究,神学和信仰形成的浓度. 

With the help of university graduate faculty, we offer concentrations in Leadership, Counseling and Sustainability. Once you complete your concentrations or cognates, 全球网赌十大网站会确保你的成绩记录在你的正式成绩单上. For more information, contact Brent Driggers, Ph.D., LTSS associate dean for academic programs, at brent.driggers@vf888888.com

View Degree Programs

Faculty & Staff


Answer the Call

Bring change to the world through the power of the Gospel.

LTSS student talks with professor in Chapel
Students listen to faculty member in LTSS Chapel
Faculty Who have Doctoral Degrees
LTSS students listening to lecture in classroom
Only ELCA seminary in the southeastern U.S.
A LTSS professor lectures to students in class
LTSS professor and student share a laugh during a conversation
Two LTSS students talking at a table during class break

News & Events

Red LR banners along a campus sidewalk

勒努瓦-雷恩学院正在寻求整个学院社区的意见,因为它开始寻找新校长. 这所大学将举办一系列的听力会议,学生们, 教职员工可以分享他们对学校未来的想法和优先事项.

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View of entrance to campus and university sign


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